Ohio Cyber Reserve
Organized in 2020, the Ohio Cyber Reserve (OhCR) comprises civilian cyber professionals from academia and private/public enterprise.
These volunteers form regional OhCR teams that are available for the governor to assist eligible municipalities, state agencies, and other governmental entities with cybersecurity vulnerabilities and provide recommendations to reduce cyber threats. OhCR volunteers provide workforce development to train the cyber talent of the future and assist STEM teachers by providing mentors for high school cyber clubs. OhCR members are true volunteers; they are not compensated for their training or service, unless activated by the governor to perform state active duty.
The OhCR is one of only a few cyber preparedness and response elements, nationwide, established at the state level under an organized militia. The passage of Ohio House Bill 52 in October 2019 authorized the establishment of the OhCR under the SDF and Adjutant General’s Department.