Camp Perry Joint Training Center

 Unveiling of Camp James A Garfield Sign

Sgt. 1st Class Joshua Mann / Ohio National Guard Public Affairs

Camp Perry is a National Guard training facility located on the shores of Lake Erie in northern Ohio near Port Clinton. In addition to its regular mission as a military training base, Camp Perry also boasts the second-largest outdoor rifle range in the world after the NRA Whittington Center in Raton, N.M. The firing is done in the direction of the open water of the lake, which lies just beyond an earthen berm and the target rows.


Camp Perry was named after Commodore Oliver Hazard Perry, the victorious American commander who defeated the British in 1813 at the Battle of Lake Erie. The Ohio Legislature officially named the Camp on May 1, 1908.

The need for the camp was established during the Spanish-American War of 1898, when American naval gunnery and marksmanship skills proved to be deficient. In response, the Congressional Act of 1903 gave federal funding assistance to state militias to provide marksmanship instruction camps and practice rifle matches.

While duck hunting in the marshes along Lake Erie in 1905, Brig. Gen. Ammon B. Critchfield, Ohio adjutant general, located an ideal range site where all firing could be done from a common line directed toward the shoreline, maximizing natural light conditions.

In 1906, the state legislature appropriated $25,000 to purchase over 300 acres of land for the state rifle range and camp. By the summer of 1907, the 200-, 600-, and 800-yard ranges were ready with parapets and 160 targets. In September, the National Rifle Matches were first held at the camp.

By 1909, Camp Perry evolved into permanent camp with the largest and best equipped rifle and pistol ranges in the United States, if not the world. Four major ranges provided a total of 210 rifle and 20 revolver targets, all of which could be operated simultaneously.

The large mess hall was completed in 1909, using a new method of erecting pre-cast concrete walls.

Construction continued during the 1920s. Eighteen company-sized frame mess halls were built. Later these were replaced by concrete block construction. In addition, a landing field was constructed for the aircraft of an Ohio National Guard observation squadron. During the Depression, Works Progress Administration funds provided for the brick construction of the commercial center, arcade, theater and the post headquarters building.

Camp Perry has played a significant role in federal service. During World War I, it was used as a training center for officers and marksmanship instructors. The adjacent Erie Ordnance Depot, west of Camp Perry, was used to support weapons testing and development for the war effort.

During World War II, Camp Perry also served as a reception center for the new recruits and as a POW camp to house many German and Italian prisoners of war. Some tar paper covered hutments constructed for housing these prisoners are still standing. Recently the construction of 200-person barracks and Director of Civilian Marksmanship Program housing have replaced some of these huts.

After the war, camp usage decreased. However, the usage of the camp increased during the National Matches in 1968. Weekend range firing and use by civilian rifle teams has steadily increased. The complex is also used daily by non-military agencies.

During the 1980s, camp usage and new building projects continued. Barracks construction, new classroom facilities and a covered firing range were significant achievements during this decade. With new projects planned, the continuation of new Army training requirements into the 21st century and the predicted growth of the National Matches, Camp Perry will continue to provide civilian and military support into its second century of service.

  • Reception Center POW Camp
  • Administration Building Building 1
  • Hough Theatre Building 2
  • Arcade Building 3
  • The Chapel Building 31003
  • Clubhouse Building 600
  • Flagpole
  • Memorial Plaza
  • Plaque and Tank
  • Gratitude Train

CAD of buiding

NEW Readiness Center

(Anticipated opening December 2025)
10.17.24: Press Release

Camp Perry lodging logo Camp Perry Lodging &
Conference Center


Civilian Marksmanship Program

Camp Perry has been the host of the Civilian Marksmanship Program (CMP)-sponsored National Rifle Matches since 1907. The National Matches, considered America's "World Series of the Shooting Sports," attracts shooting sports competitors from all across the world to compete in matches of all multitudes. Competition event shooters range from beginners to the world’s best. The National Matches include small arms firing schools, a series of CMP National Trophy Rifle and Pistol Matches and CMP Games events. The National Matches are conducted through a partnership between the CMP and the Ohio National Guard.