Camp Sherman Joint Training Center

Camp Sherman Joint Training Center is an Ohio Army National Guard training center located in Ross County. Situated on 500 acres, this premier training facility enables users to conduct small-arms individual weapons qualification, virtual training and emergency response training utilizing versatile facilities suitable for both military and civilian organizations. To discuss training and scheduling requirements further, please contact Camp Sherman’s Range Operations.


  • ACFT Field Barracks 152 Beds
  • Bivouac Areas 2
  • Classrooms 2
  • Dismounted Maneuver Area
  • Engagement Skills Trainer Virtual
  • Hand Grenade Qualification Range Practice
  • Land Navigation Course
  • Landing Zone
  • Less Lethal Range
  • Leader Reaction Course  
  • M320 Range Practice  
  • MMTS Laser Shot Virtual 
  • Ranges 2 - 25M Range
  • Structural Collapse Simulator  
  • Tarlton Dismounted Maneuver Area
  • Tarlton Land Navigation  



Command, operate, manage and administer the use of resources of a Local/Intermediate Training Center (LTC/ITC) to accomplish all assigned missions. Provide year-round customer service through administrative, engineering, logistical, training and operational support to assigned, attached, transient or tenant units and joint forces activities for company-sized units.


On order, alerts and assembles with little or no advanced notice. Deploys elements as required within six hours of alert and at the call of the governor, to support, in priority: 1. the restoration of order in the event of civil disorder; and 2. the government of Ohio in the event of emergency proclamation or disaster.


The Citizen-Soldiers of Camp Sherman Joint Training Center participate in activities that add value to their community.