MARYSVILLE, Ohio—“Crazy.” That is how one private described the March 2010 drill assembly at the Marysville armory, home to C Battery, 1st Battalion, 174th Air Defense Artillery Regiment.
Although “crazy” may be a tad extreme, it would be remiss to say this drill, which included promotions, nuclear, biological and chemical (NBC) training, one Soldier’s last drill, and a visit from the 174th’s 2nd Battalion and 2nd Battalion, 107th Cavalry Regiment, was not eventful.
Soldiers from the 107th instructed both ADA battalions on NBC warfare. Tasks ranged from donning the Mission Oriented Protective Posture (MOPP) suit to reacting to an attack involving NBC materials and decontaminating themselves and their gear - which can be a bit messy.
“Not one single person walked away from that training without being completely covered in charcoal,” said Pfc. Hannah McCoy.
Although McCoy was not able to participate in the training, many other Soldiers agreed, including Spc. John Hanson, agreed.
“It was very thorough,” Hanson said. “They consistently made sure that everybody followed the same standards. Even the sergeant major got covered in charcoal.”
The Soldiers also witnessed the promotions of four Soldiers – Pfcs. Adam Gehret, Daniel Arthur, Timothy Hill and Shawn Simes – to the rank of specialist.
The newly-promoted specialists exemplify the high standards expected of C Battery Soldiers.
C Battery also loses one of its finest troops – Spc. Michael Meeker - who spent his last drill in March after more than 20 years of service and offered some words of advice.
“Stay safe, pay attention and communicate,” Meeker said. “Listen to your NCOs and watch your back.” |