Ohio National Guard News


National Rifle and Pistol Matches
under way at Camp Perry

Photos by Staff Sgt. Nicholas Pavlik, ONG

Overview shot of arena

Gary Anderson, director emeritus of the Civilian Marksmanship Program, fired the ceremonial first shot of the 2014 National Rifle and
Pistol Matches on July 7, 2014, to start the annual five-week event at Camp Perry Joint Training Center near Port Clinton, Ohio. Hosted jointly each year by the National Rifle Association, Civilian Marksmanship Program and the Ohio National Guard, the National Matches, which run through Aug. 10, bring more than 6,000 national and international civilian and military competitors, volunteers, spectators, vendors and family members to Camp Perry each summer.

Opening remarks presentation of flag
Remarks Flag raising
first shot
MG Ashenhurst MG Ashenhurst