Ohio National Guard UPAR

April 2010 PPMT Land Navigation
Courtesy Story

The Soldiers of A Battery, 1st Battalion, 174th Air Defense Artillery Regiment, started their April drill assembly on a Friday morning with a 0715 formation followed by physical training that included a two-mile run.  After conducting personal hygiene, a series of training started after the troops broke up into groups. Each group went into individual classes, then rotated after completing each station and receiving a “Go” after testing.

The stations were based off of land navigation training that included map reading, Defense Advanced GPS Receiver (DAGR) training, compass reading, hand and arm signals for mounted and dismounted operations, orientating a map and setting up a Single Channel Ground and Airborne Radio System (SINCGARS). Each class was about two hours long with an hour break for lunch.  Training concluded Friday with several Soldiers attending bus drivers training.

After a good nights rest, the troops were at it again. Saturday morning started with a 0730 formation with Soldiers ready to train in full battle gear. Each group went back into a rotation to complete instruction and testing at each station. Before the day’s final formation at 1700, every A Battery troop had successfully trained and completed all of the stations associated with land navigation.

After Sunday morning’s 7:30 a.m. formation, the troops began physical training with an intense game of dodge ball between the noncommissioned officers and lower enlisted. The NCO's came out on top 2-1. The day continued after personal hygiene with a meeting with Capt. Melson and 1st Sgt. Kihnke to discuss the unit’s upcoming deployment. Soldiers were able to ask questions and address concerns regarding the mobilization. After lunch, Soldiers conducted preventive maintenance checks and services (PMCS) on all of A Battery's protective masks.


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