McCONNELSVILLE, Ohio—Standing before more than two hundred Soldiers, Maj. Michael B. Nelson took command of the 2nd Battalion, 174th Air Defense Artillery Regiment, replacing Lt. Col. Jeffrey D. Schultz, during a March 7 ceremony at the Clarence E. Miller Armory in southeast Ohio.
During the ceremony, Schultz, who also teaches high school history, expressed his sadness at parting company with what he regards as some of the finest Soldiers not only in the state of Ohio but the entire United States. He also spoke with confidence in the abilities of the incoming commander.
Schultz served more than two years as the battalion commander and now heads to the 174th Air Defense Artillery |
Brigade, based in Columbus. Although he said he will miss the battalion, Schultz said it would be in great hands, referring Nelson’s leadership.
The event was something of a homecoming for Nelson, who had previously served as a battery commander for the battalion alongside current Command Sgt. Maj. Hardesty, who acted as his first sergeant at the time.
“I’m happy to be here,” Nelson said during the reception following the ceremony. “We’ve got a lot of important missions coming up, and I look forward to working with everybody and meeting each challenge.”